Alderfen Complex
The Alderfen complex is situated near Wroot between Doncaster and Scunthorpe. Previously one of the best day ticket carp fishing waters in humberside, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and East Midlands.
The complex is made up of 3 lakes - the largest lake, Wyndham, is 6.5 acres and has approx 200 carp to mid 20’s, a lot of them being stunning scaley mirrors. It is intimate fishing with some lovely margin spots and the lake has matured beautifully this past 17 years, as the vast array of wildlife can attest to. Pads lake is our runs water, approx 2.5 acres, shallow with a big head of doubles, 150 plus, to low 20’s. The Gate pool is a 3 acre mixed fishery with a massive head of carp to low doubles, a good head of bream, tench, roach, hybrids and some huge perch (4lb plus). Its a great water for a beginner or an easy option even in the depths of winter. The Gate pool is also a firm favourite with numerous pleasure anglers with plenty of sport to be had fishing a variety of methods.
Set behind locked gates, Alderfen is a haven for wildlife, a barrow is needed for most of the pegs as its not possible to drive around all the lakes but we promise you the fishing is worth it!
The Lakes
The original specimen lake on the Alderfen complex and the largest lake on the site.
The runs water of the complex, the Pads lake has two islands breaking the lake up, giving you plenty of options to target.
Gate Pool
A mature mixed coarse lake with a good head of carp, tench and bream to keep the tip going round all day.
Alderfen Location
Please make sure the gate is closed and locked behind you upon entering and leaving the lake. It is imperative that gates in the otter fence are not left open at any time.
Barbed hooks now allowed on both complexes for carp.
Members children and partners are welcome when accompanied by a member.
All members must respect other anglers and not interfere with the enjoyment of others.
No litter must be left, please take it home with you.
The eco loo's are there for a reason, please use them.
Occasionally we may need to close a lake for essential maintenance, instructional social events etc. We try and keep disruption to a minimum and will give prior notice on the members facebook page.
Please drive sensibly on site, cracked sumps and broken ball joints are expensive to repair. Vehicles only on established tracks please. No vehicular access to far bank at Mesters. Please park sensibly.
A maximum of 3 rods are allowed when fishing. They must not be left unattended. 2 rods only on the gate pool.
From 1st April to 31st May 2021, a maximum session length of 72 hours is in force following which swims must be vacated. The situation will be reviewed at the end of May.
If fishing for carp then monofilament line of minimum 15lb bs must be used. No braided main line. Lead core leaders are not permitted.
No plastic baits, ie artificial corn etc.
When fishing for carp on all lakes except the Gate Pool particles may not be used. Pellets and freezer bait boilies only. No shelf life or stabilised boiled baits.
Rigs MUST be safe and able to discharge the lead easily if a fish becomes weeded etc. No chod rig set ups or leaders of any type, tubing only. LEAD CLIPS MUST DISCHARGE THE LEAD EASILY, do not jam the tail rubber on the clip. Maximum lead weight 3.5oz Mesters, 2.5oz Alderfen. Rigs must be presented for inspection if requested by a bailiff.
If float fishing for other species i.e. roach/rudd etc, barbless hooks must be used.
On no account must fish be transferred from one lake to another. Anyone found doing this will be asked to leave the syndicate.
If deadbait or livebait fishing for pike, wire traces of minimum 18”, 25lb bs and semi barbless trebles must be used. If lure fishing for pike a wire trace must be also be used.
Fish must only be retained for the minimum time to facilitate photography only. Floating retainers and quality unhooking mats must be used. No old type nylon carp sacks are allowed.
The boat is for use of members to help free weeded or snagged fish only. Flotation aids are kept in the cabin and must be worn. The boat cannot be used without the assistance of another member. If alone please contact Mark on 07764 195993
Bait boats may be used sensibly, baits must not be placed where you cannot cast a marker float to.
Both our complexes are beautiful, our wildlife thinks this too. Please respect the wildlife and minimise disturbance. No firearms of any kind are permitted on site. Fires are only permitted if we are undertaking work on site.
Members are responsible for their own safety whilst using the lakes. The lakes have deep margins in places. No wading to place baits or swimming is allowed.
Pre booked guest permits are available by contacting Mark. No guests are allowed on Friday & Saturday nights between 1st April & 30th June.
There is nothing in the rules that stops members enjoying their fishing or catching fish. If there is anything you are unsure of then please ask one of the bailiffs or myself for advice. We reserve the right to check rigs etc should circumstances dictate.
Covid info
In addition to the normal syndicate rules in force, the following apply currently but may be subject to change in line with Government guidelines. In the event of future national lockdowns preventing fishing we are unable to refund monies pro rata if the lakes are closed due to Government Legislation.
1. Do not go fishing if you are unwell, stay at home and follow the Government guidelines on isolation.
2. Please take with you hand sanitiser or liquid soap you are responsible for your own safety and others.
3. Angling is to be undertaken on a solitary basis, no sharing of swims unless you live in the same household.
4. No socialising in swims, social distancing must be maintained at all times. You can still photograph someone a fish from well over 2 metres away, no excuses.
5. No sharing of equipment, ie mats, landing nets etc.
6. Clean and disinfect your hands upon entering and leaving the lake. Likewise the toilets. the toilets are the only shared facility and as such please sanitise the seat before use. Clean your hands upon entering and leaving.
7. Most of our swims are more than 15 metres apart, double swims such as the car park at Mesters and point swim at Alderfen can only be occupied by one angler whilst restrictions are in place.
Do you do day tickets?
No, fishing at any of our waters is strictly for members only.
Can I bring guests on site?
Yes, please contact Mark, however between 1st April and 31st June no guests are allowed on Friday and Saturday nights. We reserve to right to say no if either complex is too busy.
Am I allowed a bait boat?
Yes, but please use this responsibly and do not effect other angler’s enjoyment of the lake.
When is busiest/quietest?
Like all fisheries we have many anglers who can only fish the weekend however with this being said it is very rare for you to not be able to find a swim at all. If you like a quieter session then midweek will naturally be quieter however we have a very active Facebook page so you can always check the numbers ahead.
What is the current lake record?
On Alderfen it is currently the Boxing Day fish in Wyndham Lake at 31lb, the lake record carp for Mesters is 40lb 6oz, sadly that fish is no longer with us. Both Mesters and Little Mesters contain carp to over 30lb, the best this season is our largest common Wurzel at 33lb 6oz. There is photos of the stock on the information page on each lake if you’d like to see more.
What bait/rigs are best?
A lot of anglers on the lake use RG Baits, but as with any fisheries your approach will change due to numerous factors. What rig or bait will change dependent on time of year, weather and all the usual factors. The syndicate members are a friendly bunch, and any questions asked on Facebook are usually answered quickly and knowledgably or can be directed to bailiffs.